Chile is a country with a big History, especially after what happened with the dictatorship. During the years 1973 to 1990 in Chile, ---- period of repression, resulting in a violation of the DDHH. This not have relation only with the liberty of expression, also happen enforced disappearances hundred thousand people. These enforced disappearances that making a big scar in the life of the people having a relationship with the person, the members of the family of the missing person, make a many questions for example: Where they are? What happening? or Why?  
This and more questions it’s make for the family of the victims, the uncertainty for don’t know what happening with the family making a serious psychological damage. That presents crucial questions, for example: the rol taking the estate with the victims and the family, like society response for the family…    


  1. Hi Noah, this looks interesting but it is very little work. Please make sure you enrich it.
    Thank you.


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