
Hi everyone, today I talk about a good friend of me. Their name is Felipe and we knowing in the high school but we are not close in the beginning, I can’t remember when we are converting in close friends I think just happened like natural. Maybe I do not know him for a long time but I considered my best friend or my brother.
I haven’t one exactly reason for we are close friend, maybe is the preferences because we are similar preferences in the music, movies and places but the most important is we can talk about everything, really talk about politics, feelings, love, places or activities we can try. We are living the same process in the same time (PSU, entry of university and first university year) for the reason we are a support for the other, he study in another university and the career he studied is really is opposed of me.
Unfortunately we don’t see each another much, maybe once a month or sometimes it’s more because the university consume a much time, we have like a “tradition” because always when we see go to cinema and eating junk food. We have a bad habit, its smoke, when we are together smoke ten cigarettes (Is really much for one day and one person).
Thanks for reading!


  1. The university don't leave us to see our friends very often, but is not impossible:) I hope your friendship lasts a lot longer:)

  2. it´s sad :c but I hope you can see your friend, but if you want get out with me ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Usually, bad habits make the best friendships hahaha <3 okno, I really hope that you can see your friend girl, good luck!


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