Favorite animal

Hi everyone, today I will talk about my favorite animal. 
Well my favorite animal it's a bunny, because it's so fluffy, cute and little, I really love bunny's but I never have one because my mother I don't like the little animals and she thinks the bunny is a little disgusting and foul a lot. The love for the bunny's started when I was a child, like  or seven years.
The bunnies have the origin in the Africa and Russia, but actually they are introduced in America and Australia.
I don't know exactly if I have an inner animal or I'm not sure that exist but, if that existed maybe I'm a bunny I don't sure why but many peoples compare with this animal because I'm little and squishy and the people say I have big eyes like bunny's but I don't think I have traits with the bunny's. With my big sister always says we are similar to the raccon's Shifty and Lifty because we have bags under the eyes and we are really good for steal food for the friends. I really want to know what it's my exactly my inner animal, you know what it's you inner animal?
See you soon! <3


  1. I loved your post <3, and thinking well you are like a bunny.
    you are very sweet.

  2. Ooh, now it made sense that your blog is named "little buunny" hahaha yeah, they are really cute.

  3. Oh! its adorable! I think that the bonny is a wonderful animal too :) Beautiful Post!

  4. Yes! the bunnies are very adorable and soft haha!!!!

  5. So cute!!! I love bunnies but if I am honest I love more cats! Anyway, good post, bye, bye, xoxo


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