Feel good

Hello everyone!
I talk about the things make me feel good. It's not a one things, it's many things for example: I feel good when I learning something new or when I knowing a new place also when I take pictures of the new place or pictures of my friends or family in the special moment; but the more make me feel good is talk with my sister, she is older than me and I always talk with her when I feel bad or I have problem, she help me for see the more posibility. 
I talk always with my sister about different topics, she is the type of person you can talk about anything, when I have a problem or difficult is the first person I think for talk also I like listening when she plays ukelele too this relax me . 
This semester I would like to do a recreational activity like yoga or be voluntary in animal center because I think the animals feel your state of mind and they try make you feel better. I think the university make you feel stress and you not have a much time for doing another activity for relax your mind and your body. The university promote the more recreational activity for their students.
Thanks for reading ! <3


  1. Have a sibling who is your partner is incredible, and that support each other is great. You have a very nice relationship with your sister!
    I recommend practicing yoga, it helps a lot with university stress.


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