
Showing posts from July, 2018


Hi everyone, in the practice of reading you can reading a short text about many topic, for me it's not really difficult but it's not easy too, I think the vocabulary related whit the reading in this case because you need reading the sentences and complete but the activity most difficult for me it's the listening because I can't concentrate good hearing in other language.  Have a good week! 

Favorite animal

Hi everyone, today I will talk about my favorite animal.  Well my favorite animal it's a bunny, because it's so fluffy, cute and little, I really love bunny's but I never have one because my mother I don't like the little animals and she thinks the bunny is a little disgusting and foul a lot. The love for the bunny's started when I was a child, like  or seven years. The bunnies have the origin in the Africa and Russia, but actually they are introduced in America and Australia. I don't know exactly if I have an inner animal or I'm not sure that exist but, if that existed maybe I'm a bunny I don't sure why but many peoples compare with this animal because I'm little and squishy and the people say I have big eyes like bunny's but I don't think I have traits with the bunny's. With my big sister always says we are similar to the raccon's Shifty and Lifty because we have bags under the eyes and we are really good for steal food f


Hy everyone, today we will talk about the food. Well, when I think about the food I always remember the university because in this Campus there is a lot of food. In general, the food is vegetarian or vegan to this It's great because I am vegetarian about 2 years ago. Because of my vegetarian diet I eat a lot of vegetables with rice, quinoa or soy, I eat two or one fruit of the day in the breakfast or dinner, but the thing I love most about of food it's cooking. I really love cooking it's a activity relaxing and I enjoy, the thing I most like cooking it's cookies, muffins or cakes because my mom love the sweet things but she is not a good cooker. I think my better dish it's the lime pie. Obviously, I do not cook meat, chicken or fish because I cannot be cooking for all my family sometimes or they are not like every day vegetables so this is like a challenge for me because I try cooking thins like tasty and creative. I really like to go to cooking lessons for


Hello everyone, today I will talk about music. Currently, I listen to many different genres, such as rap, acoustic, pop, reggaeton and cumbia. When I was a teenager I had a succession of different genres, I really went through totally opposite genres from classical to heavy metal or old rock. Although I always had a preference towards the music in Spanish and mostly to Chilean music because of my family especially my mother. To this day I listen and share this music with my mom going to recitals or open-air together when we have time, although I no longer only focus on Chilean artists, but also on other Latin American artists. I suppose that the fact that I liked this type of music is due more than anything to its lyrics and rhythms, because I felt that they criticized society and placed themselves in the political-national context that existed at that time. I must admit, that even though I think music is an instrument of subversion and criticism, I cannot leave reggaeton aside bec


Hello everyone, I don't have many jobs that I would like to do, but they exist; for example, I would like to  participate in activities that involve young children from 3 to 6 years of age, be in workshops with them, where they can help, things related to art or science projects, this work, I would like to do it in ​​low resources, because. I feel that in these places the schools are not focused on the recreation of the children but rather that they must learn things; I really do not work with children as a nanny, so I enjoy being with them and I always get good energy, love and affection from them. Other work it's, work in animal rehabilitation center, because I always love the animals although I am not sure I can support the emotionally charge  to see different animals in conditions of abuse or abandonment, I really feel that it is close to work, children are able to help both human beings and animals does not leave a monetary retribution but rather a retribution in teachi