
Hy everyone, today we will talk about the food. Well, when I think about the food I always remember the university because in this Campus there is a lot of food. In general, the food is vegetarian or vegan to this It's great because I am vegetarian about 2 years ago.
Because of my vegetarian diet I eat a lot of vegetables with rice, quinoa or soy, I eat two or one fruit of the day in the breakfast or dinner, but the thing I love most about of food it's cooking. I really love cooking it's a activity relaxing and I enjoy, the thing I most like cooking it's cookies, muffins or cakes because my mom love the sweet things but she is not a good cooker. I think my better dish it's the lime pie.
Obviously, I do not cook meat, chicken or fish because I cannot be cooking for all my family sometimes or they are not like every day vegetables so this is like a challenge for me because I try cooking thins like tasty and creative.
I really like to go to cooking lessons for learning new dishes vegetarian and applicate in my house, maybe one day I have a restaurant for the vegetarian people with a tasty food. Thanks for reading <3


  1. Hi Noah! If I am honest, I really don't like too much cooking, it depends on the day, but in general cooks doesn't relax me.


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