Mark Pagel

Hi everyone! <3
Mark Pagel it’s a teacher and chief of the Evolutionary Biology Group, and he talk about the language. He says the origin of the language relapse in the social learning and the ability we have for improve the ability of others. The social learning it’s a steal for the other: “I learn of your mistakes and your successes”, for this the language only emerges as cooperating of the humans.

I think this idea maybe it’s a little evolutionist because he think the language it’s the maximum expression of the intelligence and the evolution, this idea forget the other ability the humans or animals have, for example: physical ability, in specific the fruit you can eat or where is water. But, I agree with the idea that the language has a big power, I really think the big societies like Maya’s or Tiwanaku have a big power for the union.  And I am not absolute sure about the idea the social learning it’s a steal, I think it’s like a mutual growth where it’s possible benefit all the people and we can improve more if we combine as idea.  I don’ agree with the idea the Mark about the Neanderthal, because I think he share the idea they are not develop persons, but they have a big knowledge about the are they living or make tools for surviving.


  1. I agree with say that the teacher is a little evolutionist, puaaj :(


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