My Auto Biography

Hi everyone, today I talk about me and my biography.
I was born in October of 1998 in Santiago, I lived always here but I would like to live in the south of Chile. I have one sister ,Nahomi, she is six years older than me but we have a good relationship.
I studied in the same school of her only in my primary education, Francisco Ramirez in the commune of San Ramon. I studie all primary and had great friendship, I talk sometimes with someone.
In my high school studied in "Liceo Francisco Ramirez" (is the same name but not the same scool) in the commune of San Ramon and I don't like the school but I have my old friends, always I am a good student and I really like studing and reading. In this four years of high school I did new friends and knowing my first boyfriend. In this school was separate in two options, technical professional or scientific-humanistic, I chose the scientific-humanistic because my purpose was entry in the Universtity.
In 2017 I entry in anthropology in Universidad de Chile, is really dificult to me knowing new people but i have really good friends and enjoy the new experience.
In my free time I like reading books of fantasy, cooking, go out to parks and take photographs, playing games in computer and view series and movies.   

Thanks for reading!


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