
Showing posts from September, 2017

My Career

Hi everyone, today I talk about my choice to study. When I was child i wish to be a vet and save animals in the street or nurse to save people in street situations but when I grew up this was not my dream anymore and I didn't really know what to study. In the High School I prefered the another career like English literature, History, Public Administration in different university like University Of Chile, University Alberto Hurtado and University of Santiago. My professor of History said I chek the Anthropology promag and when I saw I loved it and choose the career to entry in University. Always prefered the University of Chile because is in Santiago.  When I applied to University I did it for Anthropology, Public Administration and B accalaureate, in the University of Chile and University of Santiago. I got in this year on Anthropology and have not yeet the specialty to choose. My experiencie at university is interesting and rewarding because all is new for me, the class

My Auto Biography

Hi everyone, today I talk about me and my biography. I was born in October of 1998 in Santiago, I lived always here but I would like to live in the south of Chile. I have one sister ,Nahomi, she is six years older than me but we have a good relationship. I studied in the same school of her only in my primary education, Francisco Ramirez in the commune of San Ramon. I studie all primary and had great friendship, I talk sometimes with someone. In my high school studied in "Liceo Francisco Ramirez" (is the same name but not the same scool) in the commune of San Ramon and I don't like the school but I have my old friends, always I am a good student and I really like studing and reading. In this four years of high school I did new friends and knowing my first boyfriend. In this school was separate in two options, technical professional or scientific-humanistic, I chose the scientific-humanistic because my purpose was entry in the Universtity. In 2017 I entry in anthro

My Expectations

Hello, my name is Noah and in this blog i will like write about photography, animals, vegetarian food, movies, games and places. For me, the most difficult thing is to hear in English; because I am not accustomed to this language and sometimes people speak very fast or have some "accent" which makes it difficult for them to understand. I also have trouble writing because I do not know many words but as I read, I learn a little more. Use of blogs in this course, i think is positive because strengthen reading and writing to improve a long time, and getting to know people better (their tastes and themes of interest). This is my introduction for my blog.