
Showing posts from November, 2017


Hi everyone, today I talk about my experience learning English at University. During my school years I did not learn English well, because the classes were basic so the experience in the university has been something new and difficult despite I have enjoyed this experience. The use of blog has helped me to understand English better, but I still have a hard time writing because there are many words that I do not know, and I do not use Englis to talk to anyone, only in classes. It makes me more comfortable to write through a blog because I am a little shy and I do not like to speak in front of several people something that I do not master with totality also the usea of the blog has helped me to know more about my classmates because we are many first-year students. I still think that my English skills are few and that I shoul improve, especially in speaking fluently and improving pronuciation, I think that these skills only improve if one speaks constantly in Englis. I current

Post 7

Hi everyone, today I talk about the persons I admire. The person I admire is Marie Skolowska better known as Marie Curie, she was a physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity and her first women win the Nobel Prize and first woman to teach university teaching. She was born in 7 November in 1867 in Polish, her studied clandestinely in the "floating university" of Warsaw and began his scientific training in that city in 1891 she travels to Paris, finishes her scientific training and performs her most important and outstanding works. In 1895, she married Pierre Curie and continued living in France. During his marriage he began his doctorate studies, during 1903 he defended his doctoral thesis "Investigations on radioactive substances", thus giving him his Nobel prize for physics with his husband. In 1910 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, for the discovery of polonium and radium. I really like Marie Curie beca