
Showing posts from October, 2017

My Favorite Movie

   Hi everyone, today I talk about my favorite mo vie I really like see movie, with company or not, I like see all kind of gender of movie but the  scary movies or children's films. My favorite movie is the Alice in Wonderland produced by Walt Disney in 1951 based on the book by Lewis Carrol .  I love this movie because I remember my childhood I saw this movie in any moments and really enojoyed and after the see give me the book of Alice and I love it too. For me the films present many symbolism, por example: The blue caterpillar and he ask who or The mad hatter have a different conception of madness and time. The last movie I see is Transformers: The last Knight in the cinema, it is a action movie the argument of the film is really long but is a good movie. With battles and comedy.  Thank for reading! 

My Favourite Piece of Technology

Hi everyone, today I'll talk about my favourite piece of technology. The technology are present on most part of life and it has become very necessary, por example when I entered at the University I use more my laptop for reading or doing work but the laptop it is not my favourite piece of technology.  The most favourite piece of technology is the Camera, really I love it! My own camera I have for two years but I use the camera of my sister in the past. I not use the camera regurlarly because I have not much time for go out and take photography. I take photography not only landscapes also to persons and animals. I love the camera because you keep the memories and special moments and you remember for f eeling that happiness . My life without the camera I don't really know as well. Thanks for reading! Bye!